Why Do Online Comics by Iain Hamp

I should go ahead and warn you right now. This month’s "Why Do Online Comics?" focuses heavily on the print side of comics. This may seem a tad odd to you, but since doing online comics has led me to a lot of this line of thought, and since ultimately I think the best world is one where online comics and print comics build off and feed off each other in a strong symbiotic relationship, I feel presenting the information in this column is not only merited, but important. Continue Reading

Keenspot Adding At Least 4 New Webcomics

Soon after the official announcement of the addition of Boy Meets Boy, El Goonish Shive, and Gaming Guardians to the Keenspot line, a new wave of cartoonists have openly announced that thay have been invited to join up with the popular webcomics hub.

Proclaiming it either directly on their site, or through public message boards, Mark Mekkes (Zortic), John Troutman (Basil Flint, P.I.), Brandon “Scrubbo” Sonderegger (Silly Cone V), and Joe England (Zebra Girl) have confirmed the invitations, as well as their acceptance, into the Keenspot fold.

The reasons for this sudden invitation boom have not been fully or “officially” explained, though they do not come as a complete surprise. During the Keenspot panel hosted at the 2003 San Diego Comic-Con in July, Keenspot administrators mentioned the planned addition of at least a dozen new titles to the Keenspot lineup in the ensuing months. Continue Reading


From Spork to Undead Romance — Mnemesis’ Sylvan Midgal

Sylvan Migdal. With a first name like this, he almost had to get involved with fantasy. At SYLVAN MIGDAL'S EXTREMELY INTERESTING WEBCOMICS at www.webcomics.org, Sylvan has been pursuing such webcomics as Spork, Carface, the completed graphic novel A God's Life (slacker deities in a creation they inherited), and the current ongoing Mnemesis, an existential afterlife, and has been active with webcomics since March of 2001. He's a 19-year-old junior at The Cooper Union. He's lived in various Brooklyn apartments (with his pet dust bunnies) for 15 years, and has had his ceiling collapse on three separate occasions.

That last bit is no doubt good training for the thankless and often catastrophic job of being a web cartoonist.

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The Pram In The Hall

Cyril Connolly was a British literary critic who lived-


Ah. Excuse me. Yes?

"What do you think?"

Of what?

"Of these rough layouts."

Well, I'm not exactly sure that's Molly, isn't it?

"That's Griffen."


"It's the bit with the guitar. On the corner. Remember? So. What do you think?"

It looks good.

"You're just saying that."

No, really. I like the, uh. The thing, there. I can't wait to see it finished. Now, I need to get back to
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The Blue View by BoxJam

I've decided what I want to be when I grow up – a successful, but misunderstood comedian whose professional laughs hide a life of personal woe, and who, after a time, confuses his own persona with that of his public one. I think it'll be a fresh way to hit the comedy world, and a totally non-cliche life story to be remembered for.

Can you imagine? Continue Reading

Great Webcomic Minds Chat a Lot — A Session on Webcomic Awards

What happens when you put a half-dozen of webcomics' brightest and most vocal brains in a vegematic set on "inquisinate"?

Well, we put Chris Crosby, Joey Manley, Mark Mekkes, Chris Morrisson, BoxJam, and Scott McCloud in a chat room together with an inquisitive Damonk, to see what would happen. The result was a frothy milkshake of a chat interview that focused on awards for webcomics and their value or worth in the webcomics community.

If you're into grey matter milkshakes, or some cool, refreshing idea-sharing, than read on to see what these pureed brains had to say…

damonk: Five more minutes, and I'm starting this puppy.
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