David Wright checks into Brad Guigar’s Greystone Inn for an Interview

Brad Guigar is the creator of Greystone Inn, a daily comic strip published online by Keenspot. Greystone Inn is about a fictional comic strip and the crew that produces it on a weekly basis. It features a cast of colorful characters including Argus the gargoyle and recovering super villainess, Lightning Lady. Guigar is also one of the founders of Alternative Brand Studios, and has organized two webcomic “telethon” fundraisers for MDA. More recently, Guigar designed the new Keenspot logo. He took some time out of his busy schedule to chat with Comixpedia. Continue Reading

An Interview with Alice’s Michael McKay-Fleming by Yolanda Janiga

Michael McKay-Fleming is a Canadian comic artist who created the witty PG Web comic Alice! In this inventive comic, Alice and her friend Dot wander through the realities and the hilarities of their lives. McKay-Fleming also creates a number of other webcomics that can be found at his site. In this interview, McKay-Fleming talks about how Alice came about, as well as telling us about a planned adult Alice comic! (no foolin'!)

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An Interview with Soap on a Rope’s Bob Roberds by David Wright

Soap on a Rope is one of the pioneers in the webcomic world, being one of the earlier comics to appear on the web. SOAR comes off not so much as a comic, but a damned good sitcom (and not the kind that get old after being around 4 years). SOAR is good because its focus is on its characters and the bizarre things that happen to them. Combine equal parts Seinfeld, Drew Carey, Soap, Simpsons, Family Guy, and throw in the movie Office Space for good measure, and you might get close to what Soap on a Rope is.

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Open Soapbox: Comictastic: ‘tastic or not so ‘tastic?

Comictastic: ‘tastic or not so ‘tastic?

I’m getting tired. It seems I’ve been reading discussions on the whole Comictastic thing for … three or .. maybe 5 .. or 6 hours now. (link, link, link, link) It’s silly. No, Comictastic and similar programs are not a "distribution system", they are NOT "redistributing" your comics – your web server is doing the distributing. Comictastic and similar programs don’t even do "deep linking" which has been found illegal in at least one US court case. Comictastic and programs like them are simply specialized web browsers doing something that I have done manually in the past; requesting only the image of the comic from the web server because of bandwidth concerns. Continue Reading