Why girls?

The guys over at Gigcast did an interview with Lea Hernandez about her Women Webcomiker Grant NAN.

There’s a grant for women webcomic artists and apparently some people feel that it’s unfair that the grant is exclusively for women. I’m sorry, I didn’t know it was illegal to make a grant for minorities. And DON’T try to tell me women are not a minority in comics. Even in the enlightened world of webcomics. Just look at the Iron man challenge. I was awarded the “last vagina standing”. Ew.

[Xerexes: Just a note that we also had a hefty discussion in the comments here about Lea's grant right after it was announced.]

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I suck and forgot to blog for Xerexes. It wasn't until I was packing for Connecticon did I realize that I'd be cutting my guest writing short because of the convention. I blame the convention. So let me tell you about Connecticon.

I signed up for Connecticon because it had a section for Webcomics. (and because my cousin, Larom from www.comedity.com told me to) For the first time guests are chosen for popularity and not out of politicks. The websites unique visits determine what the artist gets; free table, hotel, airfare.Â

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Eek, Autobiographical!

What is it that both fascinates and averts us to autobiographies? When we see “autobiographical” on a comic we’re more likely to skip over it. “Who wants to read about someone brushing their teeth?” Yet when we read something that we know is from life it adds more power to the story. It’s a double edged sword. The public must be tricked into reading autobiographical comic strips but once they’re sucked in then there’s only that much more flavor because it’s “true to life”

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Is the highest level of culture porn?

The internet is a revolutionary thing. A boundless forum for free speech and expression.

It’s mind blowing to simply imagine the possibilities. But face it, mostly it’s used for one thing;


There was another time of high culture and art. The Venus De Milo is the most famous of Greek sculpture. I heard a couple years ago about some scandal because they found (or hypothesized, don’t remember the exact article) that the Venus De Milo was put in bath houses so men could jack off. She was porn.

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