Welcome to Week One of Comixpedia’s November 2005 Issue!

Welcome to Week One of Comixpedia’s November 2005 Issue!

We will be spending the month looking at MYSTERY WEBCOMICS!

Our week one feature by Alexander Danner is an exploration of Mystery stories in webcomics.

We have Al Schroeder’s interview with the three creators of the Dada Detective.

And we have Erik Melander’s Through the Looking Back Glass for November.

Update from Xerexes: From our archives, be sure to check out Kelly J. Cooper’s review of John Troutman’s Basil Flint. Continue Reading


An Introduction to Writing Mystery Webcomics

While every genre offers its own inherent challenges, especially when reworked for web publication, mystery stories offer concerns unlike those of any other genre. All stories raise the tension about what’s going to happen next, but mysteries are unique in being primarily concerned with unraveling events that have already happened. (This is the primary factor that distinguishes mysteries from other types of crime fiction, where the killer is already known, and the goal is simply to catch him or her.) This unusual structure leads to a number of complications in dealing with serialization, improvisation, and other commonplace facets of web publication. Continue Reading

Through the Looking Back Glass by Erik Melander

The last couple of months have seen a fair amount of fiddling with revenue models from businesses that make their money from webcomics, but not individual webcomics per se. What I'm thinking about here are what one could refer to as the publishers of webcomics. The launch of Joey Manley's Webcomics Nation back in August and Keenspot's announcements at Comic-Con are the ones that spring to mind.

But it is not only the big dogs of webcomic "companies" that are re-examining their businesses. Clickwheel has been covered previously as a promising idea. Combining the photoIpods ability to show images and RSS 2.0 to easily syndicate content. As I remember it, the original business model was to charge for the Clickwheel application. The user could then subscribe to the different comics Clickwheel provided. The comics were created by various artist paid for their work. Continue Reading

Welcome to Week Three of Comixpedia’s October 2005 Issue!

Welcome to Week Three of Comixpedia’s October 2005 Issue!

Phil Kahn provides our feature article with his Con Report on Ubercon VI.

We have Al Schroeder’s interview: Horror is High School with Jason Thompson , creator of The Stiff.

Matt ‘netpoet’ Summers’ reviews The Asylumantics by Chris Cantrell.

Plus, Ping Teo gives us “The Essence of… Character Abuse”.

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The Asylumantics by Chris Cantrell, reviewed by Matt Summers

With the end of October imminent, kids in many countries are looking forward to that most scary of holidays: Halloween. Dressing up in costumes, banging on complete strangers' doors, and begging for candy… good times to be had for all. However, the end of October also brings us to a special time in the world of webcomics.

Specifically, the anniversary of webcomic The Asylumantics. Chris Cantrell has reached a major milestone with his comic… on October 31st, 2005, The Asylumantics will turn four years old. With the comic's birthday rapidly approaching, Chris has planned a book sale, custom figurines based on the cast, and a contest that promises a great prize pack. Continue Reading

Horror is High School: Al Schroeder Interviews Jason Thompson

Jason Thompson has been delighting and horrifying webcomics readers for years, but perhaps his most memorable creation is The Stiff, currently running on Girlamatic, a disturbing story that straddles horror, teenage angst, teenage romance, but remains uniquely its own mix. Jason's mix of horror and high school seemed especially appropriate for an interview in the month of Halloween.

Tell us something about yourself that isn't generally known….

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