Welton Colbert Guest Week
Welton Colbert, the world self-renowned comic reviewer, and retired cartoonist, is having a guest week.
Have you ever wanted Welton to review your work? Here's your chance. Draw a comic about Welton reviewing your comic. That's right, you get to review your own strip.
Things have been picking up for Welton. From his humble beginnings at RyanEstrada.com, he's moved onto the Webcomics Examiner, Comixpedia, Webcartoonist's Choice Awards, Webcomic Telethon, Adult Webcomic Telethon, Whispered Apologies, Squid and Ink, and many more.
But that's way too much work for an old man like Welton. So many webcomics to review, so little interest in reviewing them.
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