Black List Press Launches New Webcomic Collaborative Site

Black List Press is a collective of like-minded webcomic artists who came together through the months of September and November in 2004 to promote a sense of quality, unity and community. Balanced with a good dash of known authors as well as ones not so well known, Black List Press hopes to provide visitors with good reading material, as well as a place to discuss webcomics, art, media and more.

The list of members includes:

James “Erudite Baboon” Turner, Beaver and Steve
Jamie McGarry, Built For Comfort
KC Green, CAT!
Shannon “Alorian” Mason, Cheese Bandits
Obsidian, Commissioned
John “Daedalus” Aggs, Daedalus Blue
Daniel “4ing” Firing, /dev/style
Jennifer Lynn Brown, Eternal Juxtaposition
Stuart “Stu” Chapman, Forever Grounded
Robert “Xaphod” Goforth, Fish Institution
Eric “Maniac Wolfman” Nault, Hellbound
Ben “Hoboe” Hubbard, Hoboe
Jeremy “Lichkeeg” Wagner, Idiot Farm
Matthew “Sprat” Evans, LameFrame
Adam “Bach” Bachinski, Or The Rabbit Dies
James “Noogle” Francis, Psycindom



One Comment

  1. A couple of the comic creators are missing off that list.
    Shannon “Thin Spirits” Schwarz – Cheese Bandits,
    Kevin Andrew Wadlow – Eternal Juxtaposition,
    Christopher Grant – Forever Grounded,
    Mike “Pitstaines” Keon – Or The Rabbit Dies.
    Just thought I’d point that out.

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