And the WCCA Goes To… An Interview with WCCA Chairman Mark Mekkes

Webcomic creator Mark Mekkes is the co-founder of the WCCAs and the current Chairman of the award. The WCCAs recently shifted from a mid-year presentation to a January-Februray schedule more closely aligned with the calendar year. The 2007 WCCAs will be presented online and in person at Megacon on February 19, 2007. I recently interviewed Mark by email to catch up with all of the changes and what's in store for this year's edition of webcomics' own awards.

First off, tell us a little about your role with the WCCAs. How did you come to help start them and what's been your role since then?

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What Readers Know….

Emelie Friberg and Mattias Thorelli are the creators of the relatively new webcomic What Birds Know. WBK concerns the adventures of three young women. That may not sound like much actually, but the art and writing are so sure-handed that readers can already sense they are reading something special. Most recently, Friberg and Thorelli entered their webcomic in the now suspended Webcomic Idol contest which brought them some additional exposure and praise. We interviewed them to find out a little more about the creators of this wonderful new comic and what's in store for What Birds Know.

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Ice Ice Baby: Comixpedia Puts Wally & Osborne Creator Tyler Martin On The Rocks

In his hilarious comic, Wally & Osborne, Tyler Martin has been educating us about Antarctica in a delightful way. In this interview, Martin enlightens us about life, liberty, and the unlikelihood of polar bears at the South Pole.

What's your background?

Currently it's a JPG of a cat with a transparent CD spindle cover over its head and a caption that reads "Going to the moon, brb".

Oh, you mean… yes. I thought that was an awkward way to start off.

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Everyone Should Read This Interview With Mike Lacroix

Mike Lacroix is a cartoonist, blogger and finely-tuned athlete. He’s currently working on his third webcomic, the appropriately titled Foxy Lollop. His previous efforts include the long-running Gluemeat (since 2001) and the underground classic, Aren’t We Real. Lacroix and myself were both founding members of the pioneering, but short-lived webcomics collective ALTBRAND. Continue Reading

An Interview with Tom Siddell, Creator of Gunnerkrigg Court

With its marvelously moody school setting and low-key heroine, Antimoney, Tom Siddell's Gunnerkrigg Court is a delightfully fun webcomic that still manages to pack in hints of danger and adventure. At last year's WCCAs, Gunnerkrigg Court was nominated for four awards and took home the WCCA Award for Best Newcomer. Even bigger for Siddell, however, may have been gaining noted author Neil Gaiman as a reader along with a mention on his well-read blog. We caught up with him on the edge of 2007 to see what's in store for the new year.

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Ten Questions With Shaenon Garrity

Shaenon K. Garrity is one of the hardest-working cartoonists on the web today. She is working on or finished four critically acclaimed comic strips: Trunktown, L'il Mel, Smithson and of course, Narbonic (for which she is probably best known). She is also an editor for Viz and Modern Tales. She also volunteers at the San Francisco-based Cartoon Museum where her husband Andrew Farago is the Gallery Manager. That's a lot of comics goin' on…

She's also our community interviewee this month – read on to see your questions answered.

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