The Code to Opening Up God Mode: An Interview with Ryan Kerns

God Mode is a relative newcomer to the field of gaming webcomics and one would think that a person would have to be crazy to start yet another one, but there is something inherently different about God Mode. I was lucky enough to catch up with the man behind the madness, Ryan Kerns, just days before he left for Japan (lucky sod!) to get his reflections on why God Mode, why now and what his nefarious ends are in this gambit for your reading time.

George Curtis: Ryan is there anything you would like Comixpedia's readers to know about you before we get into the interview?

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An Interview with Multiplex’s Gordon McAlpin

Al Schroeder talks with Gordon McAlpin, the creator of the webcomic Multiplex about movies, webcomics, and what’s playing at the theatres in heaven and hell.  The webcomic Multiplex follows the employees at a movie theater with wit and style, and is a hit with webcomic and movie fans alike.

Tell us something about yourself that we don’t know. (I don’t think love of movies counts.)

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Who Knows What Evil Lurks In The Hearts Of Men? Captain Spectre Knows!

Al Schroeder talks with Thomas Floyd, the creator of the retro-pulp fiction action hero Captain Spectre.  Floyd’s webcomic skillfully recreates the feel of pulp novels and the old-time radio serials that gave us great characters like the Shadow, Doc Savage and the Green Hornet.  We talk to Floyd about his own creation, his appreciation for the great pulp characters of the past and his plans in comics.

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It’s Not Easy Being Green: An Interview with The Green Avenger’s Abby L.

Abby L., the creator of The Green Avenger, has created the Peter Parker of super-heroines… fallible, fun, realistic-looking and prone to weight fluctuations.  Her superheroine saga often reworks standard superhero conventions either through flipping the genders (a character named Jack in the webcomic has been referred to as The Green Avenger's "Lois Lane") or simply by taking them in a new direction.

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