From the Peculiar Pub to Infinite Typewriters

Jon Rosenberg has been entertaining readers of his webcomic Goats since April 1st, 1997. What DON'T we know about you that you can give out without being arrested and/or lynched?

The government has used reverse-time engineering to eliminate most of the "facts" of my existence from the Bose-Einsteinian timestream. From what I've been able to gather over the last four years of espionage and adventuring, I was once in line to become the emir of Kazakhstan until American oil barons decided it wasn't in their best interests to see me sitting on a vast, untapped field of fourth-quarter profits.

I might also be George Clooney, but I've yet to find any real, hard evidence for that.

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Making Their Marks on Webcomics.

Between the two of them Terrence Marks and Isabel Marks have done a whole lot of webcomicking.Terrence Marks is responsible for writing the early anthropomorphic tale, Unlike Minerva (which is now concluded). UM is cool for among other reasons, for being one of the first webcomics with a single writer and a rotating crew of artists. In fact, Terrence notes on the UM website that he first encountered Isabel when she emailed him in September of 2000, "offering to draw [Unlike Minerva]." It wasn’t until almost a year later he adds that they were "properly introduced."

Isabel Marks is the creator of Namir Deiter, and with Terrence, they collaborate on You Say it First and Spare Parts.

Terrence is also the founder of The Nice, an online network for webtoonists and he organized the first April Fools’ Comic Swap and Fright Night webcomic events. And as if he wasn’t busy enough, for the past five years, Terrence has also done the coloring for Bill Holbrook’s Kevin & Kell.

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