Keenspacers have produced a deck of playing cards featuring the avatars of a number of Keenspace creators. The deck is available for download as a pdf file. (.zip file, .rar file)
Each card in the deck is done by a different webcomic artist. Check Keenspace Forums for more information. The event was supervised by Laurel K of Pimpette and associates and Jex Kerome of the now defunct Teo and Sara. Pdf file was assembled with help of Matt Johnson of Cortland.
The cards:
Ace: Kisai – Keenspace admin
King: Ewan – Digital War
Queen: Mercury Hat – Gunmetal Annie
Jack: Toxic – Zombie High
10: Col – Strange Happenings
9: KittyKatBlack – Teacher’s Lounge
8: Axonite – Station V
7: Geoduck – Mansion of E
6: Isukiyomi – Michiko Monagatari
5: Joel Fagin
4: Humbug – Tales of Pylea
3: Dutch! – School Spirit
2: Maria and Michelle – Shonen ai Kudasai
Ace: Ping – The Jaded
King: Srdjan – McDuffies
Queen: Soap Soaperson – Deity Permit
Jack: Leko – The Spiphobia
10: Ryan – Reasoned Cognition
9: Dushan – Legostar Galactica
8: PeppermintAfterlife – End of things
7: Matt – Cortland
6: Jim North – Role of the Die
5: Chaos Cricket – Crooked Halo
4: Komiyan – Darken
3: Noise Monkey – Vapor Lock
2: KrisX – Insanity For the Poor
Ace: Kelly (StrRedWolf) – Stalag 99 & keenspace admin
King: CJ Burgandy – Burgundy Comics INC
Queen: Laurel – Pimpette and Associates
Jack: Luprand – Netrek
10: Bek – 1 BR APT
9: Grace – Because of Math Class
8: Crossfire – Shellshocked
7: Nike Young (DarkMagician)
6: Stinkywigfiddle – Head Doctor Productions
5: Spriteville – Spriteville USA.
4: The Neko – Go For It!
3: Prettydragoon – Pretty Dragoon Project
2: Jops – The Menagerie
Ace: Ghastly – Ghastly’s Ghastly comic
King: John Forthman – Fallen Angels Used Books
Queen: Vile Terror – I Blame Danny
Jack: Van Douchebag – White Hydra
10: Terotrous – Philosophy Bites
9: Woodson Baldwin – chibiartstudios
8: Orion – Beyond Reality
7: BrownEyedCat – Those Destined
6: Corgan Dane – Grim Tidings
5: Tim – Alternate Delusions
4: Mooman – Mooman’s Adventures
3: TheLoserHero – Twice Destined
2: Ymmot – BoB
Red Joker: Mr. Bob – Star Bored
Black Joker: Warren – Spare Change
Correction: There is no pdf file yet (it’s still being made). Link I gave is to assembled images. My bad, sorry.
Why do Keenspace comics do things together like this?
It’s weird.
They have nothing in common except that they use the same free web hosting service.
You don’t see Geocities-hosted websites having events like this.