Submit To The Savage Disassembly

Phil points out a new peer-review project for webcomic creators called The Swift Savage Disassembly of your Self-Esteem or Savage Disassembly for short. Honest and reasoned peer review groups can be a very useful tool for developing artists and/or writers, particularly if the group includes a talented and insightful group of peers.

In the distant past of webcomics (the last century!) Maritza Campos shepherded a peer-review group called “Hot List” but I believe that unraveled more than a few years ago.

I think I forgot to mention earlier that Phil also wrote up the most recent Washington Webtoonists meetup where we were visited by Joey Manley. Continue Reading


Everything Cartooning Web site

Brad Guigar, creator of “Greystone Inn,” is proud to announce the launch of Everything Cartooning dot com.

The Web site is a companion site for Guigar’s book, “The Everything Cartooning Book,” published by Adams Media.

Cartoonists can submit work for critique, ask questions in the discussion forum, share helpful advice, find a collaborator, and discuss cartooning in general. There’s a classified ad area where freelancers can find clients, clients can find freelancers, and writers amd artists can find a collaborator. Continue Reading


Athena Voltaire Featured in Webcomic “How To” Book

Leo Hartas’ new book, How to Draw and Sell Digital Cartoons, promises to show how to create professional quality digital cartoons. Topics covered include setting up a digital studio, advice on transforming good graphic ideas into finished work, training the imagination, striving for originality, developing the technique of self-criticism, planning and writing scripts, writing captions for single-frame cartoons, storyboarding, making preliminary sketches on the computer, and mastering line art, color, and 3D techniques. Finally, Hartas offers detailed advice on how to get one’s digital art seen by potential buyers, how to get it published, how to set fees, and the importance of time management and meeting deadlines. Continue Reading
