Pros at the ‘Con — pros and cons

For the cost of $300, it can buy you a table in the Small Press Pavilion. But the cost of tabling rises every year given the already limited floor space at the San Diego Convention Center, even with the new expansion that was added a few years ago. Four years ago, the cheapest price of a table was only $150.

The obvious advantages of having a small press table are plenty. The foremost is the exposure for your comic and gaining potential new readers. Continue Reading


Comic Con Swag

Comic Con is officially over and I’m going through all the items received at the convention. I’ll do an update later of all the news and tidbits picked up.

Until then, is a photo of all the comic con swag I bought and received during the entire five days.

Among them (in no particular order):
-Space Punks #2 by Josep Blas

-Patrick the Wolf Boy: The Giant Size Collection Vol. 1 and 2 by Art Baltazar and Franco Continue Reading


Bryan Singer meets with crowd at SDCCI

Friday afternoon at the DC Comics area, Bryan Singer meets with comic con attendees. Singer was surrounded by two security guards and freely spoke to fans answering any questions they had. Many took advantage of the situation by posing with him for photographs.

One fan didn't ask Singer about his last movie venture Superman but instead asked him why he left the directing duties of the third installment of X-Men.

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San Diego Comic Con – Preview Night

Today is the official start of San Diego Comic-Con International. For those people who bought four-day passes, they were allowed entry to Preview Night yesterday. For me, it meant helping Paul Horn, creator of Cool Jerk, set up his table at the Small Press Area.

Set up at the Convention Center started around 10 a.m.,perhaps even earlier for the bigger displays. For us, getting in at 3 p.m. (three hours before the start of preview night) to set up the booth still wasn't early enough. One area of the parking garage immediately under the convention center was already sold out and lines for preregistered attendees were forming loops outside.

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San Diego Comic Con – An Introduction

Hi. I'll be your co-guest blogger for the next few days for San Diego Comic Con.

As a one of the guest bloggers for this event and also a San Diego native, I'm so happy to see the success of the event grow over the last few years and start to be taken seriously by the media. When you look at attendence records being broken every year, it's a wonder why the media still portrays the event as place where Klingons, hobbits and the spandexed wander. In actuality, it's a celebration of pop culture: where film and television stars promote their show/film, new talent is discovered and deals are made in the shadow of an inflatible Pokemon.

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