Will Eisner, Scott McCloud in Miami Tonight

Comics gurus Scott McCloud and Will Eisner will be speaking tonight, Oct. 7 at 7:00 in the Wolfson Campus of Miami-Dade College. Admission is free, and the lecture will be held in Building One.

NOTE: McCloud’s website incorrectly states tomorrow as the engagement date. Please contact the Florida Center for the Literary Arts (http://www.flcenterlitarts.com/fcla_staff.htm) for more information. Continue Reading


Article Casts Light on Sherpa

In a recent article, the journal Editor and Publisher highlights Comic Sherpa as a tool to getting noticed by more people and possibly publishers. The Sherpa is a listing service whereby creators can submit their works for $9.95 a month (or $99.00 a year) for the privilege on being posted alongside an established professional syndication site, uComics.com, beside such classics as Garfield and Calvin and Hobbes. Continue Reading

BuzzComix Server Switch Snafu

In a server switch gone awry, buzzComix has been down for several days now. Luckily, a backup of the entire site, including the famous toplist and their forums, has been found and has been restored to the way it was on July 31st. The buzzComix website currently points to a placeholder file because DNS is still propogating, and should be complete in another 24 hours, according to mneonix08’s news post at Drunk Duck. Continue Reading
