GAAK Volume One Now In Print

G.A.A.K: Groovy Ass Alien Kreatures, the sci-fi alien invasion adventure webcomic mini-series by Darryl Hughes with art by Monique Macnaughton, is now available in a 124 page trade edition available through print-on-demand publisher GAAK is the story of four misfit kis who set out to save the world (and William Shatner) from invasion by the maniacal alien AKK and his army of kooky pod critters. Click here for more details. Continue Reading


Groovy Ass Alien Kreatures Invade

The alien invasion adventure G.A.A.K: Groovy Ass Alien Kreatures ( by Darryl Hughes and Monique MacNaughton invades ( with its first series of installments: “Talk about a Sigourney Weaver Nightmare”, where a group of 6th grade misfits named Zach, Jemmy, Plato, and Chubs come face to face with what looks like the supporting cast from a Sigourney Weaver movie. Continue Reading


Creature Feature Comics opens a bone chilling “FOSTER HOME”

Sequential Tart columnist/reviewer Barb Lien Cooper joins Creature Feature Comics (, along with her husband and Silver Bullet Comics columnist Park Cooper, with the creation of three stand alone tales of terror. One such tale is “FOSTER HOME”.

Set in turn of the century Texas, “Foster Home” is a story about a clever old woman who agrees to take custody of an orphaned baby who’s mother went insane under very mysterious circumstances. With the arrival of her new bundle of joy, the old woman quickly finds out that madness is just the brink of insanity. Continue Reading


Modern Pulp Comics artist brings original tale to Creature Feature Comics

Artist Darrin Stephens, who’s dazzling artistry is showcased on the Modern Pulp Comic “Lucifer Fawkes”, brings an original scifi tale to Creature Feature Comics ( called “FireAnt”.

“FireAnt” is the story of a dangerous caste system among slaves in a mining society at the center of the earth who mine the precious ore known as “Life Gems” which are crucial for the survival of the slaves’ rock-like molten overseers known simply as “The Masters”. One slave (Fireant) finds relics of a mythical society that existed beyond the darkness and the caves at the earths core. A place of sunshine and wide open spaces called “The Surface”. Given hope for the very first time in life, Fireant becomes determined to find out if this mythic place exists–even at the cost of his own life. Continue Reading


Ownership/Management Changes at Creature Feature Comics

There have been some conflicting reports out of the in-development subscription site, Creature Feature Comics, but this week new publisher Rich Stone posted a message on the site that adds some (not much, but some) clarity to the situation:

Things are underway my friends. As some of you may have noticed there has been a shift in management and I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their patience over the past few days. Things are going swimmingly now and I am grateful for the quick responses I have received. I will keep everyone posted as the project develops, features are added, and comics are received.

CFC seems to be modeled after Modern Tales but we’ve yet to uncover significant additional details about the business plan for creators or for potential subscribers. In the meantime, CFC has posted a note that they currently plan to launch sometime this summer. Continue Reading
