The Nightmare After Halloween

Hey folks! If you haven’t checked’em out yet, you should definitely have a look-see at this year’s Fright Night winners: Mr. Ben Bittner’s “Trail of the Snail God” is this year’s readers’ choice and Mr. Teague Tysseling’s “MerMILF: A Piece of Fish Tail… er, Tale” was picked by our panel judge, Jon Morris.

And don’t forget to have a look at all the other awesome entries! Continue Reading


You Will Be Assimilated: a brief overview of Webcomic Collectives by Bill Duncan

Syndicates, groups, hubs, and collectives.

Despite the fact that few of them ever meet face to face, webcomickers seem to crave community and camaradie. To this end, some webcomickers seek out like-minded creators, and form groups. Some of these groups are meant to do little more than offer comfort and a sense of community, while others are meant to expand reader bases, and occasionally even make money.

This feature takes offers a snapshot of some of the perks and drawbacks of collectives, and then offers a list of these joined creative masses in the event that you've just been itching to be assimilated by someone… anyone. Continue Reading

Art & Narrative: An Opportunity For Comics Discourse

One of the interesting offshoots of the webcomic model has been its propensity for sharing. Because very few people are actually making a living at this, ownership of a particular imaginary world or character has not become the political minefield that it is in print and animation. It is still possible for webcomics creators to ape one another, use someone else’s characters (with their permission, of course) and do the occasional cross-over. Continue Reading

What Bill Duncan is Reading

Bill here, your resident image jockey for Comixpedia, and the occasional brains behind much monster mashing. I’m up early most mornings, and often in a rush, but I make time to read a few of my favorites before I hit the shower and go on about my day.

1. American Elf by James Kochalka. I’m a big fan of Kochalka’s Sketchbook Diaries, and I really enjoy being able to experience it day by day. Sometimes it’s brilliant and sometimes it’s inane, but that’s life.

2. Scary Go Round by John Allison. Bobbins was one of my first favorites, but Scary Go Round has all the bits I liked about his last strip and everything I wish I thought of first. Great stuff.

3. WIGU by Jeff Rowland. I came in late for When I Grow Up, but just in time for Jeff to reinvent himself with WIGU, which has been one of the most consistently strange and funny strips on my reading list. Who doesn’t love a potato made of poison?

4. Man Man by James Duncan and Matt Shepherd. Even if I weren’t related to one of the creators and good friends with the other (no bias here), I would still read Man Man every morning – particuluarly since the recent revamp. Although they have irrevocably affected the way I look at cheese and meat, they still manage to make me laugh.

5. Ornery Boy by Michael Lalonde. Though Michael only publishes one or two strips a week, I find myself looking forward to finding another update notice in my email. Ornery Boy and Dirty Girl are kind of the every-boy and every-girl of the Internet. Besides, if you subscribe you can be a “moody bastard.” Continue Reading

Art & Narrative by Bill Duncan

Mirror Mirror On The Web

It happens a lot. We don’t spend a lot of time talking about it, or analyzing what went wrong. We don’t sit down and articulate areas for improvement. Generally, the readership for a webcomic gone wrong takes its time and attention elsewhere, and the creator is left to toil away in obscurity and isolation until the fateful day they have to pull an "Old Yeller" and put their comic down.
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