Cons: Guests Aren’t Just Numbers In The Bank

In my recent post I spoke about how guests at cons should think deeper about their relationship with cons and how they can benefit by this, in this article I will reverse this situation and talk about how con staff should view and treat their guests.

I outlined in the previous article the basic economic truth that cons see guests as a monetary investment. Guests are there (theoretically) to draw more attendees and money to the con. So in many cases cons start to see and treat guests as "employees", or even as objects to be sold.

When was the last time you thought that being seen as an employee or as an object inspired you to greatness? Or really made you want to promote or work hard?

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Guest Blogging Introduction: Harknell

Hi Everyone, I want to thank Xerexes for giving me the opportunity to blog here at ComixTalk this week.

For those of you who aren't familiar with what I do, I am the web developer for the webcomics Stupid and Insane Defenders Against Chaos and Erfworld, as well as the developer of WordPress plugins for artists available at My current biggest project is being co-chair and a founder of the new convention Intervention, happening September 10-12 in Rockville Maryland, which is dedicated to educating about and celebrating the Internet as a primary distribution method of artistic output. We have a ton of webcomic guests, writers, podcasters, independent films, gaming, dance and burlesque events. Anyone who reads ComixTalk will surely find something fun at the con, as well as get things signed by Fred Gallagher of Megatokyo, Ben Bova, or Molly Crabapple of Dr Sketchy's.

I'll be writing a few things this week about conventions (since it's primarily on my mind right now)–both from the development side and the attending side. Since I've been both a guest and a coordinator for cons, I hope to be able to bridge the gap and provide some good advice for both sides. 


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Artist Alley Controversy Brewing At This Year’s Otakon

Otakon is the first con to announce a “no fanart” policy for their Artist Alley, which outlaws the selling of commissions or prints that utilize any depictions of copyrighted material, even though the artwork involved is original and not a reproduction of any actual existing images (think Inuyasha on a Chocobo).

The issues relevant to webcomics relate to the possible banning of “sprite comics” or any comics that utilize depictions of copyrighted properties to tell their stories. If “fanart” is banned, then these most certainly fall under that distinction.

Copyright is a very important area, but Otakon’s absolute position will now prohibit many of the usual activities of a con that are expected by the attendees in regard to artists (such as being able to commission original artwork of their favorite characters), along with setting up a precedent that threatens Anime Music Videos, Cosplay competitions, and the appearance of many webcomics. Continue Reading Starts New Contest

The webcomic’s newest giveaway contest is called “ gives you a venereal disease”. The contest is for 3 lucky winners to get a venereal disease plush microbe made by the company. Details and entry are here. The contest ends Wednesday Sept. 7th at midnight. So come check out; other than mental illness we guarantee that this is the only time you’ll ever get a virus or disease from us. Continue Reading


Thursday News

Another Otakon update: Onezumi, the creator of the webcomic will be a panelist on the “Turning Fanart into a Business” panel on Friday, August 19th at 10:00AM. In addition, Onezumi will be at her Dealers Room table during the con giving live art tutorial lessons and answering questions about webcomic production and business practices. There are also rumors that the fanclub might be wandering around giving out free candy.

Mitch Clem has formally rebooted his webcomic, The Coffee Achievers with new artist Joe Dunn. Dunn is redoing all of the existing TCA strips as well as working with Clem on new installments. For now the team is posting a full chapter a week each Wednesday (Chapter One is up) but new daily installments will begin on August 29th.

Man Man brings the grammar humor!

And everyone’s linkin’ to this Daniel Clowes interview so I guess we will too. Continue Reading


Anime DVD Giveaway Contest At’s latest giveaway contest is up and it’s directed toward their audience of Anime fans. The contest, which ends Tuesday June 28th at midnight, is for a copy of the Special Edition Armitage: Dual Matrix Lunchbox set. This set comes with a Lunchbox, Armitage figure, and the DVD movie. For details and to enter the contest, go to the Onezumi forum. is a webcomic site that specializes in art tutorials and forums dedicated to helping out new webcomic creators and digital artists. Continue Reading

Uncategorized’s World of Warcraft giveaway contest ends Tueday May 31st’s latest giveaway contest for a copy of the online Mac/PC game World of Warcraft plus 4 months of free online time will be ending this Tueday May 31st at midnight. You can go to their forum site to see the contest rules and how to enter. is a webcomic updated 3 times a week, and also hosts art tutorials and a forum site dedicated to helping new artists and web comic creators. Continue Reading

Uncategorized iPod Shuffle Giveaway Contest Ends This Weekend

This weekend is the end of the latest giveaway contest. This month’s giveaway is an Customized iPod shuffle to the lucky winner of their forum entry contest. What better way to store your art files and also relax with a few tunes? The iPod and all of the iPod packaging materials will be hand customized to match the website by Onezumi herself. The easy entry rules and announcement are here. For more info on the contest and site please “Read More”.

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