Tutorial Repositories and the Bay Area

There’s a pretty fascinating interview over at www.publishersweekly.com with Kazu Kibuishi about the methods to creating his inspired body of work. I don’t think anything outside of practice-practice-practice has improved my artwork or inspired me to create as much as these sorts of insights into the creative processes of other artists/writers. Someone should put together a link-list or something of all the great “how I do it” tutorials creators put together.

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Webcomics – The Next Generation

As I just turned 32 in March, I think it is safe to say that I am no longer "a kid". Nor do I have children of my own yet. So, I haven't really paid much attention to whether a comic on the web was kid friendly or not. But now that I have a two year old nephew, I find myself wondering what websites to take him to when he gets a bit older that are appropriate, but will get him excited about webcomics (get 'em in when they're young).

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Many webcomic creators have some area on their site where they post some sort of text to go along with their comics. Maybe it's just news about the comic, or a personal blog to try to connect on a more personal level with the audience. Perhaps it's just a place to rant from time to time.

Sometimes creators use the space to express their viewpoint on a controversial topic. Continue Reading


Dream Dream Dreeeeam…

When I began blogging this week here at Comixpedia, I asked people to talk about where webcomics have taken your life. That discussion looked at the past, and how it led up to the present.Â

Now I'd like to take a look at the present, and discuss how it will lead to the future. Take a good look at where you are right now in webcomics, whether you are a reader or a creator. Where do you want that to go in five years? Don't hold back, go as far as your dreams take you. After all, a goal is just a dream with a timeline.

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Furthering Webcomics: An Exercise in Philanthropy

Role playing time.

You are appointed the head of a fledgling philanthropic organization whose purpose is to further the advancement of webcomics as a medium. You have a budget of $10,000 per year. How do you chose to spend the money?

Do you spend it on advertising?

Do you establish something akin to the Xeric Foundation?

Do you get Xerexes a license plate with the initials "CMXPDA"?

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More To San Diego Than Comic Con

Heading to the San Diego Comic Con International this month? Those of you looking for some things to do when you're not wading through the aisles of the convention (amidst all types of creatures, really) would do well to peruse the following suggestions of other San Diego delights. I'm specifically trying to focus on things that are not the blatantly obvious ones everyone will tell you about (San Diego Zoo, Sea World, Dick's Last Resort, etc.).

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How Webcomics Have Changed Your Life

How have webcomics changed the rest of your life? Whether you are a creator of comics on the web, or a devoted reader of them, I'd like you to spend a few minutes reflecting on how webcomics have altered the course of your life in ways other than the obvious ("the obvious" being that you create and/or read webcomics).

As much as I hate to invoke anything even loosely tied to Ashton Kutcher, the Butterfly Effect is essentially what this blog post is about. For those not familiar with the concept, here's a brief description from Wikipedia:

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New BitPass Comic “Bee Haven” by Iain Hamp

Bee Haven Chapter One is available via BitPass for the mere price of a quarter. You are invited to take a sneak preview look at the first chapter of Bee Haven, if you’d like to “try before you buy”.

Bee Haven Chapter One is the first part of the story of a lowly worker bee with a big heart trying to win the queen bee’s affections. Filled with drama, romance, intrigue, and hummingbirds, this is the story of the birds and the bees as you’ve never seen it before. (Plus it’s cute, too.) Continue Reading
