Good news for webcomic free speech?

The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund website recently posted a short article about the latest developments in the Child Online Protection Act (COPA) debate — a bill that would essentially set itself up as a major censor of Internet content, complete with excessive fines ($150,000 daily!) and jailtime.

The federal appeals court has turned down the government appeal, however, defending the original Third Circuit verdict that such a law would be unconstitutionally restrictive for adults.

The government still has 90 days to reappeal the decision.

You can find the CBLDF blurb here, which also links to a full story on the American Civil Liberties Union website.
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Dewclaw by Matt Johnson, Reviewed by Stelas

As the use of Flash becomes more widespread on and off the Web, the webcomics world is sitting up and taking notice. Previously only used to make a comic or file fit a browser window thanks to its automatic resizing feature, webcomics creators are now playing with Flash to add to the action factor through the use of motion and sound. But can sound and motion carry a webcomic to greatness? Matt Johnson certainly seems to think so.

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Messiahs Versus Messages…

Let me tell you a story:

Once upon a 1993, a sequential sonic boom hit the comics industry, as some fellah put out a book devoted to reaching an Understanding. It wasn't the first attempt at offering up an academic-like take on the Mystery of Sequential Art, but it definitely made waves. In one trademarked lightning bolt of a moment, an entire industry screamed out praise, and word of mouth quickly transformed a young semi-successful comic artist into an overnight messiah.

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Daniel “Merlin” Goodbrey, known for his obsession with webcomics innovation, is pummeling the limits of the medium with his creative fists once again through his latest project, The Mr. Nile Experiment.

This time around, Merlin plays with the reader-writer-artwork relationship through intensely trippy metadialogue. The Mr. Nile Experiment touches on webcomics theory and perception philosophy, neatly packaged in a nice simple infinite canvas-style, vertical scroll layout. Oh, and it’s interesting, to boot.

If you like webcomics that push the boundaries of the medium, or you just like a good mind-screw, then this project is NOT to be missed.

Goodbrey’s latest cyberlab creation is slated to run in daily installments throughout February, and can be found at his website,

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Ubercon 2003: Goats and a Homicidal Lop Rabbit

Pete Abrams, the, creator of Sluggy Freelance, will be at this year's Ubercon, held from the 14th to the 17th of February at the Sheraton Parsippany Hotel just outside New York City. Abrams will be holding a number of events, including discussions and seminars on drawing and being successful in the webcomic trade and the official release of the Sluggy Freelance CCG 'Get Nifty', created by Rob Balder of PartiallyClips. Continue Reading

Nowhere Girl by Justine Shaw, reviewed by Damonk

If you haven’t yet heard of Nowhere Girl, please listen – you don’t know what you’re missing, ’cause this nowhere girl has a world of intrigue, character, and some top-notch CG at her command.

Created by Justine Shaw, the full-page, episodic drama webcomic popped up barely a year ago, and has already managed to generate some very positive hype with few pages – even notable print comic writers have marked her explosive (and, it should be noted, completely independent!) arrival to the webcomics scene.

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The Shadowlark Symphony

The Shadowlark Symphony, part of Poisonwind, a collection of comics created by Icymasamune and Mutant Penguin, is arguably one of the more enjoyable manga-style comics on the web right now.

Running on a roughly tri-weekly basis, it tells the story of Psyte Haden and friends as they journey on a pilgrimage to the Temple of O'Ryu in order to learn more about the powers Psyte can command. He is one of the Five Dragon Circle, reincarnated fragments of a long-dead hero, and requires control over his powers to deal with those wishing him and the other members of the Circle harm.

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Why Comixpedia?

Because the WORLD is noticing that there is such a thing as a webcomic and is expressing a desire, a NEED for MORE.  Because webcomics ARE a viable art form, a new medium branching off from our print foremothers and fathers – a medium in which to expand, elaborate, experiment, and perhaps most importantly, enjoy.

Because there are now THOUSANDS of hobbyists, young and old, trying their hand at placing images in sequence, on an infinite canvas.

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