Paranormals by M. Raven Brown and Ronnie Werner, reviewed by Linda Howard

Linda Howard reviews The Paranormals by M. Raven Brown and Ronnie Werner. The story of five misfit kids with special powers that meet up at a high school and deal with supernatural situations may sound like nothing special, but Brown’s writing makes the characters come alive as actual teens and Werner’s art is stylized and cartoonish with a focus on the interplay between the characters.

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Journey to Mt. Moriah by Scott, reviewed by D. Richard Scannell

Journey to Mt. Moriah by Scott deserves mention alongside better known webcomics such The Perry Bible Fellowship and A Lesson is Learned but the Damage is Irreversible. JtMM is a weekly experimental webcomic featuring both single-panel and four-panel comics done using ink and a variety of coloring mediums. There are no set themes or characters per se, though the comics can generally be considered dark humor, slice of life, or just plain weird. Continue Reading