Burt Reynolds Day

I’m taking some inspiration from D.J. Coffman and Yirmumah to declare this Saturday International Burt Reynolds Day and urge everyone worldwide to include a cameo of Burt Reynolds (mustache or no mustache) in your webcomic (or on your webcomic website) this Saturday.

Do it for Burt! Do it for webcomics!

If you do it, let me know ahead of time or afterwards by replying here or emailing me and I’ll post a list on the site for people to check ’em out. Continue Reading

Christmas Style Webcomics

A couple of suggestions for holiday weekend themed webcomics: When Old Nick steals Saint Nick's job, the fate of the world is at stake and it's up to Little Timmy Smithers to save christmas…if he can.  Read Adam White's and Matt Black's Feliz Navidamned!

And the classic Saturnalia by Patrick Farley which is about “paganism, christmas, yule, winter solstice, horned god” and is NSFW.

Post your suggestions in the comments.  Happy holidays to all. Continue Reading