Webcomic Awareness Day Hours Away – May 5th

We’re hours away from the 2004 Webcomic Awareness Day. This year’s version is called Online Comics Day and is headed up by online cartoonist Howard Tayler (Schlock Mercenary) and accomplished programmer David Brady.

Unfortunately I missed this earlier. It’s too late for webtoonists to sign up for the event this year, but be sure to check the site tomorrow for a list of participating webtoonists. Continue Reading

24 Hour Comic Day is Coming This Saturday

24 Hour Comics Day is fast approaching. This Saturday, April 24th, cartoonists all over will face the 24 hour comics challenge. To help cartoonists face this challenge, some comic book stores, educational insitutions, and comics clubs are hosting special 24 Hour Comics Day events. They’ll be providing cartoonists with a space to work, access to food and drink, and camaraderie. While some stores may set the cartoonists up in off-site locations, other stores will have the cartoonists work inside the store itself, so comics fans can gather and watch.

As of today there are 54 event locations in 24 U.S. states and 3 Canadian provinces plus South Korea. How many webtoonists are going to try to go the distance? Post a comment here and we’ll run a list of folks on the site on Saturday. Continue Reading

Cool Contest from Lore Sjoberg

Lore Sjoberg, of the defunct Brunching Shuttlecocks, is now in the webcomics business. And he’s holding a contest with a treasured Slumbering Lungfish t-shirt as the prize.

All you have to do is find the URLs that point to the seven (7) webcomics that featured one of these quotes:

“I like Zombie Revenge because, frankly, I loathe the undead.”

“Do you think zombies can shoot ink, like a squid?”

“Last month alone, over 3,000 zombies filed for unemployment with the New York Department of Labor.”

“Why Me? Get one of the zombies to get it.”

“Who are you to question Zombie Joseph Beuys?”

“You didn’t tell me these zombies could talk and think for themselves!”

“And it’s zen, not some conspiracy to make brainless zombies.” Continue Reading

Killroy and Tina’s 2nd Anniversary Charity Auction!

In November of 2001, Killroy and Tina made its online debut with little fanfare, acclaim, or talent. In a time when the word “hiatus”
was a webcomic’s silent death, Killroy and Tina (KnT for short) kept plugging away for whatever reason. Two life-sucking years and
almost 200 full-color pages later, KnT has spun off Keenspace not only to its own domain, but also to the Modern Tales sister site Graphic Smash, various Modern Tales syndications, and possibly a few unauthorized Comic Reaper thefts. It is viewed in numerous countries throughout the globe, and has been published in, at very least, one language. Continue Reading

Day Six of Comixpedia’s Fright Night Fever

If you were outside doing something healthy this weekend, be sure to catch up on all of the Fright Night webcomics you missed!

Today we add webcomics from Dave Wright (creator of Todd and Penguin) who takes on Roy Boney, Jr.’s opening panel, and Juan Navarro (creator of Vigil) who takes on Dorothy Gambrell’s appetizing first panel.

You might have missed Jeremy Heiker’s take on Shaenon K. Garrity’s opening panel, Everything Jake scribe Mike Rosenzweig take on Roy Boney, Jr’s opening panel, and Tom Truszkowski’s take on Bill Duncan’s starter panel so click, click, click!! Continue Reading