The Webcomics List 2004 Awards

The Webcomic List has announced its first-ever webcomic awards program for 2004. There is no preliminary nomination process; all comics listed on the site before September 20, 2004 are eligible. There are five categories open for voting: Best Overall Comic, Best Use of Humour, Best Drawing Style, Best Website, and Best Concept For a Comic. According to their messageboard, voting should be open for another three weeks. Continue Reading

VisiBone Web Color Lab

The VisiBone Webmaster’s Color Lab is an invaluable online aid to designing colorful websites. A map of the 216 web safe colors are arranged on a map. Clicking on any color will return the hex, CMYK, and RBG values for it. Additionally, a font sample is presented against up to 7 additional color choices, so you can determine if a potential palette has the right feel without having to call in a favor from your web designer friend. Continue Reading

BuzzAwards Are Back

BuzzComix has announced the return of the buzzAwards.

The buzzAwards honor comics who have exhibited exceptional quality in a number of categories. In an attempt to expose those “diamonds in the rough,” buzzAwards strives to honors smaller comics (10,000 average uniques/day or fewer). The nominees will be picked by committee–not voted on by the general public (buzzAwards is accepting applications for judges on the committee. There is an application form on the site). This means that a comic with very little exposure and fan base could finally get the attention it deserves.

Submissions for nominations may be made until June 15th, and nominees selected by the committee will be announced July 5th. Continue Reading