Get Happy! An Interview with Matt Melvin of

Think xkcd is the most popular stick figure webcomic around? Don't be so sure – Cyanide and Happiness consistently pulls in similarly large numbers on publicly available sources of data such as Alexa and Compete.

C&H resides on the website which features work from creators Matt Melvin, Kris Wilson, Dave McElfatrick and Rob Denbleyker. We recently interviewed one of the four: Matt Melvin about the webcomic, the website and what's next.

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Catching Up With Stephen Notley

There's an incredible wealth of articles in the ComixTalk archives: features and columns on craft, theory and business, insightful reviews and interviews with some of the most interesting folks in webcomics. We'll be taking a regular look back at past issues and catching up with creators we've previously covered.

Stephen Notley is the creator of Bob the Angry Flower which I'm sure is still the angriest angiosperm character in comics today. I caught up with Notley via email last month.

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Catching Up With Brad Hawkins

There's an incredible wealth of articles in the ComixTalk archives: features and columns on craft, theory and business, insightful reviews and interviews with some of the most interesting folks in webcomics. We'll be taking a regular look back at past issues and catching up with creators we've previously covered.

Brad Hawkins is the creator of the progressively-minded, primate-populated webcomic, Monkey Law and the technical genuis behind stripshow the webcomic-focused plug-in for WordPress.  I caught up with him via email last month.

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Catching Up With Ramon Perez and Rob Coughler

There's an incredible wealth of articles in the ComixTalk archives: features and columns on craft, theory and business, insightful reviews and interviews with some of the most interesting folks in webcomics. We'll be taking a regular look back at past issues and catching up with creators we've previously covered.

We interviewed Ramon Perez and Rob Coughler in our November 2004 issue and Ramon Perez did the cover for Comixpedia's 2004 End of the Year issue. Perez and Coughler have had a busy year between their webcomic Butternutsquash and helping to found the new webcomics collective Transmission-X so it was a good time to catch up on what they're up to as we head towards 2008…

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Comics For Chocolate: An interview with Debbie Ridpath Ohi

I don't quite remember how I first discovered Debbie Ridpath Ohi's webcomic Will Write For Chocolate but as a procrastinating writer of several novels-to-be, I instantly "got" this funny comic about writers and their lives. And then I learned that Ridpath Ohi not only creates comics but writes all the time.

Ridpath Ohi is a freelance writer and illustrator living in Toronto with her husband, Jeff. In addition to creating several webcomics, she blogs online at Inkygirl: Daily Diversions For Writers and has written a nonfiction book (The Writer's Online Marketplace, published by Writer's Digest Books), magazine articles (print and online), poetry, and short stories. She's also a part of the band Urban Tapestry. As you'll see from the interview, she is prodigiously productive!

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Filling In The Blanks: A Short Interview with Howard Tayler

Earlier this week ComixTalk posted an interview with the new line-up of Halfpixel (Scott Kurtz, Kris Straub, Brad Guigar and Dave Kellett). Since as part of the creation of the new Halfpixel, Kris, Brad and Dave left the Blank Label Comics collective, I wanted to get a comment from someone on the Blank Label team. Howard Tayler, the creator of Schlock Mercenary, was kind enough to answer quickly some questions about this week’s changes and the future of Blank Label Comics. Continue Reading

Half Pixel Times Four: An Interview with Kurtz, Straub, Kellett and Guigar

Today, Brad Guigar (Evil, Inc.), Dave Kellett (Sheldon) Scott Kurtz (PvP), and Kris Straub (Starslip Crisis) are announcing that they will be working together under the Half Pixel brand. Part and parcel of this announcement is that Guigar and Kellett are leaving Blank Label Comics, the webcomics collective that they both have been associated with in recent years.

I got a chance to interview the four of them at the end of October about this and other projects on the horizon for them. At their request I’ve delayed publishing this interview until the day of their announcement regarding the new Half Pixel. It’s an interesting move for all four involved and hopefully the interview that follows conveys some of the excitement all of these guys seem to have for this new partnership.

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The Visitors Guide to Templar, Arizona: An Interview with Spike

Charlie "Spike" Troutman is the talented creator behind the well-received webcomic (and book) Templar, Arizona. The comic is a story about a town that may or may not completely conform to the regular laws of reality and features a growing assortment of interesting characters who both intrigue and intimidate the protagonist, a young man named Ben. Spike has also created other webcomics, including Sparkneedle, Lucas and Odessa and Playing With Dolls (which used Sims Online screen captures for the artwork). Continue Reading

Catching Up With Jon Morris

There’s an incredible wealth of articles in the ComixTalk archives: features and columns on craft, theory and business, insightful reviews and interviews with some of the most interesting folks in webcomics. We’ll be taking a regular look back at past issues and catching up with creators we’ve previously covered.

Leah Fitzgerald interviewed Jon Morris for our October 2003 issue. Morris is the creator of the Ignatz nominated webcomic Jeremy. It turned out to be a great time to catch up with Jon as he’s just recently switched to a full time illustration-based career.

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Catching Up With Jamie Robertson

There’s an incredible wealth of articles in the ComixTalk archives: features and columns on craft, theory and business, insightful reviews and interviews with some of the most interesting folks in webcomics. We’ll be taking a regular look back at past issues and catching up with creators we’ve previously covered.

In our October 2003 issue on Halloween and other spooky subjects, contributor Jamie Robertson wrote a popular feature story titled Witches and Webcomics. If you missed it go read it — we’ll wait until you get back.  In this short update, Jamie talks about his own webcomic Clan of the Cats and he provides some new suggestions for witches in webcomics.

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