Endurance Comic Making Update

From Our Senior Endurance Comics Reporter, Jack Ironpen:

“Xaviar, I’m standing here outside the small trailer where Ryan Estrada has spent 168 hours continuously creating a comic from scratch.”

“Jack, that’s amazing. How is he doing?”

“Well not good. First of all, he’s been sitting in a trailer the size of a walk-in closet for a week. Xaviar – that thing has no ventilation at all. It smells like a Cracker Barrel kitchen crossed with five old guys in a sauna. I think that, more than the one hour of sleep a day has destroyed Ryan’s beautiful mind.”

“Jack that doesn’t sound good – how is Ryan right now?”

“Well unfortunately, he’s still working on the comic. I think he’s at 180 hours now. He’s become obsessed with this and it may well lead to a bad end. Someone really ought to go in that trailer and slap him around or something.”

“Jack, maybe you should call-“

“Xaviar we’re the press. We can’t get involved, we just report. Besides that Estrada’s been eating Taco Bell all week – you really can’t underestimate the level of trailer reekage we’re talking about-“

“Thank you Jack!”

“Xaviar.” Continue Reading

Central North Carolina Webcomic Coffee Clatch *

*\Clatch\, n. [Cf. Scot. clatch a slap, the noise caused by the collision of soft bodies; prob. of imitative origin.] (Scot. & Dial. Eng.) Anything put together or made in a careless or slipshod way.

The first meeting of NC Webcomic People has been moved to Padgett’s Station in Carrboro, where W. Rosemary, E. Main and Jones Ferry come together. It will begin at 4 pm THIS SATURDAY. If you are in the area, drop by for coffee and conversation. They also have a great goat cheese and fig jam appetizer! Continue Reading


We of the Western side of Australia have decided to hold a get together for webcomics in our sunny capital of Perth.

Grug and Me’self will be there, but if you create or read webcomics, feel free to rock up / bring friends. No discrimination against media so comic artists are welcome.

When: Monday the 8th of August @ 7:30pm
Where: Fast Eddy’s Cafe. Cnr of Milligan and Murray St Perth

Hope to see you there! Continue Reading

Webcomics 103: Making Money Panel At San Diego Comicon

David Willis has annouced that he and the rest of Blank Label Comics will attend a number of panels at the San Diego Comicon. Willis will attend a panel entitled Webcomics 103: Making Money. Should be interesting, especially considering the recent discussions regarding the economics of webcomics.

In other con-related news, Josh Lesnick has a con report from A-kon.

Whereas at previous cons, there were around 2-3 panels related to webcomics, and this year, there were around 25. And… people showed up to them; all of them. It was quite mind-blowing!

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