Documentary About 24 Hour Comic Day

24 Hours Later is a documentary by James Hatton and Jimmy Lin about four artists participating in taking Scott McCloud’s 24 Hour Comic challenge. As described on its website, “24 Hours Later captures it all with the grace, sensitivity, and cinematography expected of a nature documentary about the mating habits of walruses.”

Also featured are interviews with Scott McCloud, Nat Gertler (organizer of 24 Hour Comics Day), Christian Gossett (Red Star), Scott Kurtz (, Jenn Manley Lee (Dicebox), and many others.

The film is scheduled for release in November 2004. Check back for regular updates and free clips from the movie. You can buy the DVD of this right now. Continue Reading

May Day!!! Comixpedia Event for May Wrapped Up!

The final comics in the May Day event are up. The “connect the panels” format of this event was a lot of fun – I started late but managed to almost finish my entries on time. Congrats to everyone who submitted comics (and an extra congrats to Neil and G.L. Gillen who finished an entry every week).

A big thanks to all of the artists who submitted the panels: Steve Bryant (Athena Voltaire), Tim Demeter (Reckless Life), Jerzy Drozd and Sara Turner (The Replacements), Faith Erin Hicks (Ice) and Clint Hollingsworth (Wandering Ones); and an extra big thanks to Matt Shepherd who coordinated this shindig and did a lot of work to make it all happen. Continue Reading

Appreciation for Webcomics Day And Other Webcomics Traditions

Eric Burns has a good post on the annual Webcomics Appreciation Day. I don’t happen to completely agree with it because I think the shared events of webcomicdom for the most part have been a happy experience for all involved and have actually served to introduce some folks to each other that wouldn’t have met otherwise. Still it’s a lot of work to make these “events” happen and the older ones don’t seem to have the “pop” they used to.

I think “events” can be a great experience if they’re fun and planned well. The recent 24 hour day event is a great one (although not all such events need to be so physically exhausting). What events would you keep on a “webcomic events calendar”?

PLUG ALERT: You can still play in the May Day event at Comixpedia. Some great artists have come up with single panels featuring the explorer Mayfair Day and every week you can submit your version of how he gets from Panel A to B. All entries get linked to at Comixpedia. Continue Reading

Mayday!!!! First Week Webcomics in the Comixpedia May Special Event

Be sure to check out the first week of Mayday!, the Comixpedia special event for May. Led by our intrepid guide Matt “Slammin'” Shepherd, we have five spins on the first chapter of our spine-tingling tale of wonder from Charles Brubaker, Rezo, William G, Neil and G.L. Gillen.

It’s never too late to get involved! Participants can still retro-fill for Week 1, or just get on board this week! Check out the main page and e-mail shepherd at comixpedia dot com!!!! Continue Reading