Fright Night 2003 Lumbers on Like a Zombie!

Despite its coordinator’s ham-fisted HTML skills, Comixpedia’s Fright Night Project moves forward like the beast that would not die!

Two (or more) new comic links are being posted daily, in a blood-soaked orgy of creativity starting from the crazed inspiration of our special guest starting panelists!

Whether you’re a participant or just looooove comics, be sure to come by and soak up that oogy ambience, then talk about it on our forum! Continue Reading

The Fear is Here! Fright Night 2003 is Dead and Kickin’!

Fright Night 2003 starts with a bang today, presenting the first of 25 scarifyin’ submissions to the first-ever official Comixpedia-sponsored event! Thrill to the worrisome work of Edward J. Grug III and Jesse Clark! And keep coming back daily for more submission URLs, right up to the apex of horror: HALLOWE’EN ITSELF, when we present our seven winners!

Go ahead and scare yourself now! Continue Reading

BuzzComics Website to Hold Buzz Awards for Webcomics

Buzzcomics is a new website hosting forums and top 100 vote lists for webcomics. It is also launching an award for webcomics (limited, it appears to webcomics signed up with the site) to be nominated by committee (again, no details on how the committee will be selected or by whom) and than to be voted on by the creators of webcomics listed on the Buzz Top Vote list. It also will limit consideration to webcomics receiving less than 10,000 hits per day (they may have meant pages or visitors since hits generally counts all elements of webpage separately in the total) in an effort to focus the award on “smaller comics.”

There is no information provided yet on dates for the awards or any stage of the process. It is possible, however, to submit a webcomic for consideration by the nominating committee now. Continue Reading

Ignatz Awards nominees announced

Every year at the Small Press Expo, they give out the Ignatz Awards. Unlike the Eisner Awards at SDCC, there’s a whole category dedicated to webcomics in the Ignatz Awards. This year’s nominations can be found at

The MT family got four out of five of the nominations in the online comics category (serializer got two out of five). Woo!

MT offers hearty congrats to all the nominees, whether they’re part of the MT family or not, though.

(note — you have to scroll down to the bottom to find the webcomics category, but there are artists who work in the webcomics medium scattered throughout the other categories, too — like Derek Kirk Kim, Scott Mills, Roger Langridge, and Jason Shiga). Continue Reading

The 2004 WCCA Planning Committee Needs A Few Good (Wo)Men!

A message from the WCCA (Webcartoonists’ Choice Awards) chairman, Mark Mekkes:

First and foremost, I’d like to thank everyone in the webcomic community for being a part of the 2003 Web Cartoonists’ Choice Awards. Some truly great comics were recognized and rewarded for their wonderful work this year. Every vote and every contribution helped make this year the best one yet.

But we’re far from being done, folks – we’re already on the way towards making next year even better. As always, the WCCA tends to generate a lot of discussion and debate in a variety of forums and lists, expressing thoughts and opinions on how it should be done, and what can be done to make it better. Some brilliant ideas are always bounced around, and with the right kind of commitment and energy, will raise our process to an even higher level of quality.

However, in order to follow through with those ideas we need active and creative people to be a part of the awards process. We need those voices in the forums to come sound off WITHIN our committee. We need to HEAR all your intelligent ideas and suggestions.

We need YOU to join the planning committee for the 2004 WCCA. Continue Reading

Webcomica at the ICA in London

There’s a whole bunch of webcomic related events taking place at the ICA in London as part of this years inaugural Comica festival. Things kick off with the opening of the Webcomica exhibition on Wednesday, with a talk from the show’s curator, Daniel Merlin Goodbrey.

Webcomica will spotlight work from a range of well know webcomic creators in an attempt to provide an insight into the many possible futures for comics on the web. Details of the exhibition can be found on the ICA’s website, with more info on Merlin’s talk located here.
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Twenty -Four Simultaneous 24 Hour Webcomics?

Eric Millikin (Fetus-X) has an ambitious twist on Scott McCloud’s 24 Hour Comic Challenge.

There’s more discussion on this thread at Talkaboutcomics but here’s the basic idea:

I think a coool idea would be a 24-hour jam comic, with 24 artists. Each artist gets an hour to do a page, then they hand off to the next artist, so that in the end of 24 hours there are *24* 24-page, 24-hour comics, each comic having one page from each artist.

Maybe the best way to do it would be online, where each artist has an hour to post a page to a web site. Might make for an interesting Modern Tales Longplay, updated in real time for all the world to see … Continue Reading