2011? Yep it's another year, another decade. Another Monday…
ADVICE FOR THE YOUNG AT HEART: I don't think I realized Zach "SMBC" Weiner had a personal blog before (THE WEINERWORKS) – his posts on becoming a webcartoonist are pretty interesting. Zach has a level of self-awareness and criticial self-assessment that is enviable. The most recent post in the series covers his decision to go back to school to study SCIENCE! (part one, part two, part three). It kind of stings me a bit as while I've learned a LOT from reading comics and writing about comics, I haven't actually consistently made comics in awhile now. Here's something from Zach that I will print out and tape to the wall, "Hard work doesn’t guarantee success, but lack of hard work almost certainly guarantees failure."
INTERVIEW: Tom Spurgeon interviews Andrew Farago, webcomics creator, manager of the the Cartoon Art Museum, and husband of Shaenon Garrity.
iWEBCOMICS: Comics for the Kindle? – Tom Mason has some suggestions.
HIATUS: Krishna Sadasivam puts his techy-geek (or is that geeky tech) webcomic PC Weenies on hiatus until February.
Random Plug for 2010: The crossover storyline of last year I'm going to call for this one between GWS and SP.
KICK START MY ART: Michael Gianfrancesco just launched a Kickstarter project to fund a new comic anthology called Show and Tell, a Comic Anthology about Learning and Teaching. This anthology is part of a larger project — the New England Comic Arts in the Classroom Conference, which will be held March 26th in Providence, RI. Guests at the con will include Raina Telgemeier and Tracy White. The editorial board for the anthology includes Michael Gianfrancesco, Dr. Jennifer Cook, Heather Bryant, Dan Mazur, Caitlin Plovnick, and Alexander Danner.
MAILBAG: Ben Haugen writes, "If you get a second, check out saggynutbag.com It's only a couple years old, but it's starting to get some momentum all on its own… I don't do any advertising for it other than word of mouth and with possibly the worst domain name on the internet, most people wouldn't come across it (unless they found it while searching for something else)." Okay — a quick review of the most recent comics. It's stick figure art so it's all on the writing of the jokes and they are (a) all offensive and (b) some are kind of brutally funny, but also I thought some really missed. It's no Crying Macho Man but it's sense of humor is in the same general place. Worth checking out if you like that kind of humor.
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